- 2012
The Beginning
The idea is becoming reality. Hampdon industrial is registered as a Business and a handful of welding products were listed on eBay Australia.
- 2013
Garage Days
Hampdon was run from Evan and Alex’s garage’s as they grew from a handful of eBay listings to 1000 active listings. During this time and to the current day, they sold Torchmaster and Bossweld products.
- 2014
Hampdon became a UNIMIG and Speedgas dealer and started selling welding machines and rent-free gas bottles from the garage.
- 2015
Excel Spreadsheet
The online store grew to 1800 items which was the limit of the Excel spreadsheet that it was run on. Stock control and order dispatches were done manually.
- 2016
Warehouse #1
The lads moved to their first 180 square meter warehouse on Millrose Drive Malaga. They upgraded their accounting, inventory and order management software to grow to the next level of over 3000 items for sale. They were invited to be a seller of the premium Harris products group gas equipment and Weldclass products.
- 2017
Hampdon Begins Importing
Hampdon travels to China to meet suppliers and drops its first sea container direct from the manufacturer. Due to many contributing factors, Hampdon decided to bring its own core range of industrial gas products from a Large manufacturer. This decision wasn’t taken lightly due to a lot of unknown factors and large upfront costs.
- 2018
WA Gases & Warehouse #2
Outgrowing local Industrial gas suppliers they started their own brand of industrial gas company WA gases. They found a supplier of Industrial cylinders and went down the long process of getting this new business off the ground and building a distributor network. As the team was stretched to the maximum, WA gases was started and a new financial partner Joe Rossi came in; who currently looks after the WA gases day to day operations. More information about WA Gases can be found at www.wagases.com.au. Hampdon kept increasing their range to 4800 online items and was bursting at the seams at their Millrose drive court warehouse. They moved to their current Milly court location of 480m2 warehouse.
- 2019
With the changing ecommerce scene, Hampdon over the following years spends time fixing old listings, re photographing products, importing more of their own products under the Cobra Brand and creating a clearer and easier online shopping experience. Hampdon releases its Noblefix range of gas bottle restraints with the adjustable track and strap system being manufactured and assembled right here in Perth, Australia.
- 2020
Major Brands
Hampdon is offered a 3M Speedglas account from AWSI and is steadily growing to become one of the top selling stockists of their equipment in the state. Hampdon also becomes a stockist of Strong hand welding & fabrication tools.
- 2021
A Taste of Freedom...
Hampdon partners with CK worldwide, Blue demon, Weldmonger, SCC controls and Furick Cup to stock a large range of these fantastic USA brands in Australia, in large quantities and affordable prices.
- 2022
A massive 2022 is planned so stay tuned to our website, mailing list, and social media platforms for one of our biggest years yet with some great new products and developments to be announced.
- 2022
A massive 2022 is planned so stay tuned to our website, mailing list, and social media platforms for one of our biggest years yet with some great new products and developments to be announced.

Hampdon Industrial is named after the street directors Alex Koios and Evan Cockram grew up on, in Perth, Western Australia. Alex and Evan had long talked about starting a business before their ideas became a reality in 2012, when they first registered Hampdon Industrial.
In its infancy, Hampdon was a small eBay store selling welding equipment, run from Evan’s garage by Alex and Evan who were still working full time in other roles. Evan had found there was a large gap in the offering of welding consumables online after purchasing his first TIG welder in 2010. In less than two years, Hampdon’s small eBay store had grown, with www.hampdon.com.au housing Hampdon’s own online store and Hampdon Industrial becoming Australia’s largest online welding retailer.